Genetic PGx Screen

(Response to Medication)

Genetic differences distinguish each of us, and they may also affect how our bodies react to particular treatments. Some genetic variants, for example, alter a person’s reaction to a medicine, necessitating a more significant or lower dosage than usual or the administration of a different prescription. Pharmacogenomics is the study of how genetic differences impact our reaction to medications (PGx). MyPreciseDNA offers PGx testing for Statin and Aspirin. The test will inform your doctor of your capacity to metabolize specific drugs based on the results. If you don’t metabolize drugs properly, you may have side effects or bad reactions until your doctor changes your treatment plan.

PGx Screening

MyPreciseDNA provides testing for 4 different types of substances that will help you understand how your body reacts to certain medications.

  • Aspirin
  • Atorvastatin
  • Pravastatin
  • Rosuvastatin


Aspirin is a pain reliever, fever reducer, and inflammation reducer. Kawasaki illness, pericarditis, and rheumatic fever are some of the inflammatory disorders that aspirin is used to treat. When taken soon after a heart attack, aspirin lowers the chance of death. A PGx screen for aspirin will help determine the effectiveness and response rate to the medication. Patients with certain genotypes might have an increased or decreased risk of resistance to aspirin.

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A Comprehensive DNA Report

myPreciseDNA Wellness provides you with a complete DNA profile consisting of 14 categories and 128 traits ranging from your personality traits to genetic health conditions. This report reveals multiple aspects of your health to give you better insights into your wellbeing. Click on the icons to learn more about the other traits

Unlock a wealth of information about yourself through your DNA.

Disclaimer: Please note that this report solely relies on your genetic information and does not consider other shared details. It examines specific variants associated with certain conditions but does not encompass all variants. Other associated markers or variants may not be screened. The report is not diagnostic and should not be treated as such. It reveals your genetic predisposition to health conditions. High or low risk does not indicate presence or absence of conditions; development depends on genetic predisposition, lifestyle choices, exposure, and more. The report helps assess genetic health status and make informed choices. Genotype determination assumes diploid DNA samples, and atypical genome content may affect results. Consult a doctor before considering recommendations. Synapse Laboratory is not liable for any damages resulting from the service or report.