
Calcium Requirement

gene testing malaysia - foods high in calcium

What is calcium?

Calcium is a mineral that is most frequently linked to strong bones and teeth, but it also plays a critical role in blood clotting, assisting with muscular contraction, and maintaining regular heartbeats and nerve activity. The body stores around 99% of its calcium in the bones, with the remaining 1% being present in the blood, muscle, and other tissues. You can consume foods high in calcium to meet your body’s needs.

The body attempts to maintain a constant level of calcium in the blood and tissues so that it can carry out these essential everyday tasks. The parathyroid hormone (PTH) will tell the bones to discharge calcium into the circulation if blood calcium levels fall too insufficient.

To enhance calcium absorption in the intestines, this hormone may also activate vitamin D. PTH instructs the kidneys to discharge lesser calcium into the urine simultaneously. When the body has enough calcium, a separate hormone known as calcitonin acts to accomplish the contrary: it decreases the blood calcium levels by preventing the breakdown of calcium from bones and telling the kidneys to excrete more calcium in the urine.


Foods high in calcium

There are two ways the body may obtain the calcium it requires. One way is through consuming calcium-rich foods or supplementation, and the other is by using calcium that already exists in the body. The body will eliminate calcium from bones if a person does not consume enough calcium-rich meals. The calcium which is “borrowed” from the bones should eventually be restored. However, this doesn’t always occur, and it’s not always possible to do this by just consuming extra calcium. Below are foods high in calcium:

  • Milk
  • Yoghurt
  • Cheese
  • Leafy vegetables
  • EdamameAlmonds


Calcium deficiency 

Calcium levels in the blood are closely controlled. If the diet does not contain enough calcium, the bones may discharge it into the blood, but generally, no symptoms appear. Hypocalcemia, a more severe calcium deficit, is brought on by conditions including renal failure, digestive system operations like bypass surgery, or drugs like diuretics that prevent absorption.

Symptoms may include muscle cramps and weakness, numbness in the fingers, abnormal heart rate and poor appetite. 


gene testing malaysia - foods high in calcium

How much calcium is enough calcium? 

For women 19 to 50 years old, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for calcium is 1,000 mg per day; for women 51 and beyond, it is 1,200 mg. The RDA for breastfeeding and pregnant women is 1,000 mg. The RDA for men is 1,000 mg for those 19 to 70 years old and 1,200 mg for those 71 and above. 

But it differs from person to person due to many factors such as genetic composition. 

That is why it is important to try and take a DNA test to test for your various nutritional requirements. 


How can a DNA test help me find my calcium requirements? 

With the help of MyPreciseDNA’s extensive nutritional characteristics and categories, you may better understand what your body requires. Everybody is different, therefore balancing your diet to meet your needs is not a simple process. It’s crucial to have a diet that is specifically designed for you to guarantee that you are getting enough vitamins and other vital elements. The DNA test gives you a report for 129 qualities and 15 categories, spanning from your physical health to your mental health, making it a terrific tool for you to stay healthy and maintain track. It does not just contain dietary traits. Getting a DNA test can be done for a variety of reasons, knowing your calcium requirement is just the tip of the iceberg. 

Learn more about how our DNA test can help you. It’s considered the most advanced DNA test in Malaysia that we can provide, so we’d like to offer you our premium DNA test. You can take advantage of this offer and reap the benefits of getting a DNA test.