
Do You Require More Sleep Than The Average Person? It’s All Down To Your DNA

DNA Analysis

The Role of DNA Analysis

Some people require more sleep than others, and a recent study suggests that our individual sleep needs may be determined by our genetic build and DNA analysis will be helpful. So, it’s not your fault that you’re slothful – it’s simply your DNA. Most individuals are aware of how much sleep they require to feel rested, as well as the optimal hours for going to bed. However, the causes of these traits remain a mystery.


What is Sleep?

Sleep is a state in which one’s awareness of external stimuli is diminished. Sleep is differentiated from coma, hibernation, and death by its ability to be promptly reversed.


What are the 4 stages of sleep?

DNA Analysis

Your brain goes through four stages during sleep. Stage 1-3: Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, often known as peaceful sleep Stage 4: Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, commonly known as active sleep or paradoxical sleep


Genetics (via DNA Analysis) and Sleep

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania (among others) have revealed that the amount of sleep we require for physical and mental performance is up to 80% hereditary. Although science does not yet have all of the answers, certain recent studies may help to shed light on these issues and enhance the area of sleep as medicine. Below are some studies are done to show the effects of genetics on sleep.

Study 1

Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) went to find out how much a person’s genes influence how much sleep they require. Their research focused on a family who reported sleeping fewer than six and a half hours every night without experiencing detrimental effects. The researchers discovered a common mutation in the ADRB1 gene in each family member. The “natural short sleep trait” has been named after this mutation. Mice produced with the ADRB1 mutation showed the same brief sleep patterns as humans with the mutation, according to researchers. The identifying and cloning of this gene, according to one of the study’s participants, was the compelling proof they needed to relate adenosine receptors to sleep regulation and create a solution for patients with this genetic abnormality. While this short sleep pattern may not appear to be a major concern, sleep deprivation has been related to an increased risk of serious health problems.


Study 2

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) conducted a study on gene differences to explain why some people require more sleep than others, with one in three adults not getting enough sleep. They began by producing 13 generations of fruit flies that slept either 18 or three hours every day. They discovered 126 polymorphisms in 80 different genes that may be fairly linked to sleep duration after gathering genetic data, confirming the idea that sleep and genetics are truly linked.


Study 3

In 2014, Dr. Allan Pack and his research team at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine observed that a mutation in the DEC2 gene caused a pair of twin brothers to have varied sleep habits. DEC2 is responsible for turning off the expression of other genes, including the one responsible for keeping us awake. This gene mutation works similarly to the ADRB1 mutation in that it prevents the DEC2 gene from performing its job.


Impact of sleep deprivation on the DNA

It’s still unclear how many genes and mutations impact sleep quality, and how much their distribution in our DNA plays a role. However, it is obvious that the lack of sleep linked with the short-sleep genetic mutation can harm DNA. Doctors from the University of Hong Kong claim that those who sleep too little each night suffer from more DNA damage and eventually lose their ability to repair it. Because DNA contains the commands for all of our body activities, any damage to it is dangerous and could lead to major physical and/or mental health issues, such as an increased risk of cancer, weakened mental health, or impaired judgement.


Discover how much sleep your body needs through DNA Analysis!

Sleep is a universal need that varies from person to person, and there is significant evidence that this desire is genetically determined, as seen above. Whether you sleep for 10 hours straight easily or struggle to sleep for more than six hours each night, knowing your genetic predisposition for certain sleep habits could be beneficial for your physical and mental health. Order your myPreciseDNA kit today to find out what kind of sleeper you are and the recommendations in your report so that you get your needed hours of sleep!